

It is our belief that God has provided us with everything pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1: 2-3). And, that all authority for religious matters come exclusively from God's word (2 Timothy 3:16-17). These sermons are being provided to you as an aid to your studies of the scripture. We urge you to listen to these sermons for your edification and learning. However, we also urge you to study Gods word for yourself, proving everything you hear, letting God's word be your guide unto all truth (2 Timothy 2:14-15).

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/26/23 Judging Righteously Ian Smith N/A Sun PM 2023-03-26_PM-_Ian_Smith_-_Judging_Righteously.mp3
03/26/23 The Box Darrel Yontz N/A Sun AM 2023-03-26_AM-Darrel_Yontz-_The_Box.mp3
03/19/23 Judas Darrel Yontz N/A Sun AM 2023-03-19_AM-Darrel_Yontz-_Judas-.mp3
03/12/23 The Legacy of Ruben Ross Statham N/A Sun PM 2023-03-12_PM-_Ross_Statham-_Legacy_of_Ruben.mp3
03/12/23 What is the Guift of the Holy Spirit Darrel Yontz N/A Sun AM 2023-03-12_AM-_Darrel_Yontz_-_What_is_the_Guift_of_the_Holy_Spitit.mp3
03/05/23 Misery Business Nathaniel Bowen N/A Sun PM 2023-03-05_PM-_Nathaniel_Bowen_-_Misery_Business.mp3
03/05/23 he Duality of Memory Nathaniel Bowen N/A Sun AM 2023-03-05_AM-_Nathaniel_Bowen_-_The_Duality_of_Memory.mp3
02/26/23 The Roman Centurions. Bill Echols N/A Sun PM 2023-02-26_PM-_Bill_Echols_-_The_Roman_Centurions.mp3
02/26/23 The Spirit Within Us 2 Darrel Yontz N/A Sun AM 2023-02-26_AM-_Darrel_Yontz-_The_Spirit_Within_Us_2.mp3
02/19/23 The Spirt at Work Darrel Yontz N/A Sun AM 2023-02-19_AM-_Darrell_Yontz_-_The_Spirt_at_Work.mp3
02/12/23 God's People and Their Works Edward Prescott N/A Sun PM 2023-02-12_PM-Edward_Prescott-Gods_People_and_Their_Works.mp3
02/12/23 Holy Spirit or Blueprint Darrel Yontz N/A Sun AM 2023-02-12_AM-_Darrell_Yontz_-Holy_Spirit_or_Blueprint.mp3
02/05/23 Too Late to Love God Nathaniel Bowen N/A Sun PM 2023-02-05_PM-_Nathaniel_Bowen_-Too_Late_to_Love_God.mp3
02/05/23 The Winner Takes it All Nathaniel Bowen N/A Sun AM 2023-02-05_AM-_Nathaniel_Bowen_-The_Winner_Takes_it_All.mp3
01/29/23 When Did Jesus Become the Christ Darrel Yontz N/A Sun PM 2023-01-29_PM_-_Darrel_Yontz_-_When_Did_Jesus_Become_the_Christ.mp3
01/29/23 The Christan Character Darrel Yontz N/A Sun AM 2023-01-29_AM_-_Darrel_Yontz_-_The_Christan_Character.mp3
01/26/23 Wisdom In Tough Times Dan Petty N/A Gospel Meeting 2023-01-26_PM_-_Dan_Petty_-_Wisdom_In_Tough_Times.mp3
01/25/23 Looking To One Another Dan Petty N/A Gospel Meeting 2023-01-25_PM_-_Dan_Petty_-_Looking_To_One_Another.mp3
01/24/23 A Chase Study In Dealling With Adversity Dan Petty N/A Gospel Meeting 2023-01-24_PM_-_Dan_Petty_-_A_Chase_Study_In_Dealling_With_Adversity.mp3
01/23/23 Be Of Good Courage Darrel Yontz N/A Gospel Meeting 2023-01-23_PM_-_Dan_Petty_-_Be_Of_Good_Courage_.mp3
01/22/23 When Your World Is Turned Upside Down Dan Petty N/A Sun Bible Study 2023-01-22_AAM_-_Dan_Petty_-_When_Your_World_Is_Turned_Upside_Down_.mp3
01/22/23 See as God Sees Dan Petty N/A Sun AM 2023-01-22_AM_-_Dan_Petty_-_See_as_God_Sees.mp3
01/22/23 Take it to the Lord in Prayer Dan Petty N/A Sun PM 2023-01-22_PM_-_Dan_Petty_-_Take_it_to_the_Lord_in_Prayer_.mp3
01/15/23 The Key to Christan Living Darrel Yontz N/A Sun AM 2023-01-15_AM_-_Darrel_Yontz_-_Rhe_Key_to_Christan_Living.mp3
01/08/23 A Discussion of the Term Son of Man 2 Darrel Yontz N/A Sun PM 2023-01-08_PM-Darrel_Yontz-A_Discussion_of_the_Term_Son_of_Man_2.mp3

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