Online Sermons

Online Sermons

It is our belief that God has provided us with all things pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1: 2-3),  and that all authority for religious matters comes from God's word (2 Timothy 3:16-17). These sermons are provided as an aid in studying the scriptures. We hope that you will listen to these sermons and that you will be edified and learn from them. However, we hope that you will study God's word for yourself, prove everything that you hear, and rightly divide the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/11/24 Say Yes Nathaniel Bowen Sermon N/A Sun PM 2024-02-11_PM-_Nathaniel_Bowen-_Say_Yes.mp3
02/11/24 The Church 2 Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024-02-11_AM-_Darrel_Yontz-_The_Church_2.mp3
02/04/24 The Church 1 Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024-02-04_AM-Darrel_Yontz-_The_Church_1.mp3
02/04/24 Abrham Lincoin Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun PM 2024-02-04_PM-_Darrel_Yontz-Abraham_Lincoin.mp3
01/28/24 Can We Trust Our English Versions of the Bible Part 2 Buddy Payne Sermon N/A Sun PM 2024-01-28_PM-Buddy_Payne_-_Can_We_Trust_Our_English_Versons_of_the_Bible_Part_2.mp3
01/28/24 Have This Mind Buddy Payne Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024-01-28_AM-Buddy_Payne_-_Have_This_Mind.mp3
01/28/24 Can We Trust Our English Versons of the Bible Part 1 Buddy Payne Sermon N/A Sun Bible Study 2024-01-28_AAM-Buddy_Payne_-_Can_We_Trust_Our_English_Versons_of_the_Bible_Part_1.mp3
01/21/24 Teaching the Gospel Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024-01-21_AM-Darrel_Yontz-_Teaching_the_Gospel.mp3
01/14/24 Deicide, to kill a god Nathaniel Bowen Sermon N/A Sun PM 2024-01-14_PM-_Nathaniel_Bowen-_Deicide_to_kill_a_god.mp3
01/14/24 What Drives Us Phares Acuff Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024-01-14_AM-_Pharse_Acuff-_What_Drives_Us.mp3
01/07/24 Deeper and Deeper 4 Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024-01-07_AM-Darrel_Yontz-_Deeper_and_Deeper_4.mp3
12/31/23 Affecting Change in Ourselves Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun PM 2023-12-31_PM-Darrel_Yontz-Affecting_Change_in_Ourselves.mp3
12/31/23 Believing in The Power Of God Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023-12-31_AM-Darrel_Yontz-Believing_in_The_Power_of_God.mp3
12/24/23 Deep Calls to Deep Nathaniel Bowen Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023-12-24_AM-_Nathaniel_Bowen_-_Deep_Calls_to_Deep.mp3
12/24/23 What Kind of Giver Are You Ian Smith Sermon N/A Sun PM 2023-12-24_PM-_Ian_Smith-_What_Kind_of_Giver_Are_You.mp3
12/17/23 Intrusive Visibilty Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023-12-17_AM-_Darrel_Yontz-Intrusive_Visibilty.mp3
12/10/23 What do the Scriptures Say Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun PM 2023-12-10_PM-_Darrel_Yontz-What_do_the_Scriptures_Say.mp3
12/10/23 Deeper and Deeper 3 Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023-12-10_AM-_Darrel_Yontz-Deeper_and_Deeper_3.mp3
12/03/23 Jesus Name Ross Statham Sermon N/A Sun PM 2023-12-03_PM-Ross_Statham-Jesus_Name.mp3
12/03/23 A Living Hope Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023-12-03_AM-Darrel_Yontz_-_A_Living_Hope.mp3
11/26/23 Worshiping God Bill Echols Sermon N/A Sun PM 2023-11-26_PM_-_Bill_Echols_-_Worshiping_God.mp3
11/26/23 Mary and the Ressurection Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023-11-26_AM_-Darrel_Yontz-Mary_and_the_Resurrection.mp3
11/12/23 Love of God Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun PM 2023-11-12_PM-Darrel_Yontz_-_Love_of_God.mp3
11/12/23 Who Am I? Nathaniel Bowen Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023-11-12_AM-Nathaniel_Bowen_-_Who_Am_I.mp3
11/05/23 Enduring Temptation Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023-11-05_AM-Darrel_Yontz_-_Enduring_Temptation.mp3

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